If you're like us, you love to read about dogs. Stories about dogs, advice on care and training, anecdotes and poems that made you laugh and cry, and other useful and trivial information about these endearing four-legged creatures we share our lives with. Here's what we've dug up for you.
Tales & Tips

Tales & Tips
Top Ten Gifts for Dogs
What do dogs really want? Chances are you won't find their favorite gifts in any store.
Service Dogs: Giving the Gift of Independence
Occasionally, you run across an incredible tale of a hero dog who selflessly saves a human's life. But service dogs save people over and over...by giving them the gift of independence. George Salpietro, senior vice president of the Fidelco Guide Dog Foundation, shares his moving story of going blind in the prime of his life, then discovering a new breed of sight through his guide dog, Karl.
When Good Dogs Eat Bad Things
Interested in what foods to avoid giving your dog and why? Read this article reprinted with permission from The Healthy Dog! newsletter.
Robot Dogs at Two Dog Press?
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Latest News
Latest NewsSummer in Maine was made for Labrador Retrievers. Especially Labs who live near water. And this summer,...Read More...
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